Finally, a campaign you can actually get behind.

Navigating the ever-evolving world of paid advertising can be complex. Paid media and PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns allow you to strategically target your ideal audience across various digital channels, maximizing your reach and driving measurable results. By combining these elements, we can create and manage data-driven paid media and PPC campaigns that substantially increase your lead flow and, ultimately, sales.

Paid Advertising Campaigns

There's a vast online advertising landscape, with platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising being popular choices. These platforms allow you to create targeted ad campaigns based on tons of factors, including demographics, interests, and online behavior. We help you navigate these different platforms, select the best fit for your target audience and goals, and develop effective campaign strategies.

Retargeting Campaigns

Not everyone who sees your ad converts on the first try. In fact, a general rule of thumb in marketing is that a customer needs to see a message over seven times before they take action. Retargeting campaigns allow you to reconnect with users who have already interacted with your brand online, keeping your business top-of-mind and increasing the chances of conversion.

Conversion Tracking Setup

Measuring the efficacy of your campaigns is essential, not just after the campaign is over, but in real time. Conversion tracking allows you to monitor user actions on your website, such as form submissions or purchases, providing valuable insights into campaign performance. This helps us optimize your strategy for maximum return on investment (ROI), as well as evaluate the success of the campaign in general.

Landing Page Design & Development

Landing pages are standalone web pages specifically designed for your ad campaigns, guiding users towards a desired action (e.g., contact form submission, product purchase, etc). If there’s a disconnect between the ad and what the customer sees on the landing page, purchases or conversions become less likely. We can design and develop high-converting landing pages that are optimized for conversions and aligned with your overall campaign goals.

Ad Copy & Creatives

Great ad copy and creatives are like a captivating storefront window in the digital world. They grab attention, communicate value, and entice users to click. Strong copy uses clear language, highlights benefits, and sparks interest. Striking visuals stop the scroll, showcase your product, and build brand recognition. Together, they create impactful ads that drive results in any paid media or PPC campaign.